PanelBuilder 32 Software

PanelBuilder 32 for PanelView HMIs (Human Machine Interface)

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PanelBuilder 32 for PanelView 500 Series HMI
(Human Machine Interface) Software

PanelBuilder 32

The PanelBuilder32 software allows you to create HMI control panel applications for the Standard PanelView operator terminals. Because
the terminals provide flexible communication options, you can create applications to run in a variety of communication environments.

You should have a basic understanding of PLC, ControlLogix, SLC 500 and MicroLogix products and the network environment in which the application will run.

Click on the image to return to the Rockwell Software installation page.


All Download files are in ZIP format:
With B1 Archiver, right click on the zip file and select extract to "the zip file name shown". This extract the setup files into their own folder.
I recommend extracting all setup software into a folder called "Rockwell Installation Software" on your hard drive or a USB drive.

Download - PanelBuilder 32 v3.81

PanelBuilder 32 - PanelView HMI Panels Programming Software Version 3.81

Installation Video

PanelBuilder 32 Programming Software

View the installation video below in full screen mode so you can read the text